Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Invisible Girl

She had thoughts and opinions, just like everybody else.
She had a reflection of her life in the mirror you see.
She got dressed each day, in clothes made of cotton.
And she ate when hungry, to keep her stomach going.

But when she spoke it was all "wrong, wrong, wrong"
She made the wrong noise, or no noise at all.
She didn't exist,
This invisible girl.
Except as a portrait,
Once painted by the world.

She was a 'colour by numbers',
Filled up to the brim.
By the impressions of others,
All proper, and prim.

They couldn't see who she was,
They saw only their work,
And so she couldn't exist,
Our invisible girl.

Her opinions and thoughts,
Were called 'false' and 'lies'.
She was told she was wrong,
In everyone's eyes.

She started to believe it,
Started to think like they did.
She lost her spark,
Her 'ness'

Our invisible girl.

One day she got out,
She spread her wings.
Flew to the forest,
Found the Shiny Things.

They said 'Who are you?'
She said 'Me? Oh no one,
I'm who they call the invisible girl.'
'But we see you.
Oh yes, yes we do.'

So no more could she be,
The invisible girl.
For now she was seen,
By this whole new world.

Someone new must she be,
Our visible girl.
Defined not by others,
But herself in this world.

So free and safe was our visible girl,
She forgot about the land,
Where the other hid.
She forgot who made
Our invisible girl.

The time came with snow,
She had to return,
The visible girl
To the Monsters run.

She remembered then,
Our invisible girl.
But couldn't hide,
From this world she knew.

So she battled on,
Until one day broken,
The clouds they parted,
And the sun, unspoken.

Beckoned her back,
To the land of the free.
From there she can once again become,
Our visible girl.

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