Monday 30 December 2013

When the dust settles

It's been a week since I decided two things:
-To start thinking positively
-To not get upset/annoyed/angry with myself when I do not achieve this

How things are going:
I have had negative thoughts, but I've caught myself, and instead of getting into a spiral of negative thoughts about failing and having more negative thoughts. I've stopped and found a positive outlook on the initial thing about which there was a negative thought. The result? My first genuine smile and laugh (two separate occasions I might add) in a very long time.
This might not seem like much, but when you've been lost for so long, it's a wonderful and strange thing.
I cannot say that I am happy yet, but I am better and there is new hope and it is a slow journey, one in which I am certain there will be steps both forward and backward, but it is a journey and there is much life to be lived on that journey so I look forward to what will happen.

I also read a book and it gave me hope and made me feel like I wasn't alone: Hyperbole and a Half

That's all today, just that there is hope, there is an end, and one day we can reach it. But in order to get there we must accept imperfections and accept that we will get it wrong, but this is ok and isn't a bad thing, we will stumble through life but that's half the fun, the stumble is when we find our own limitations and discover new things we can do.

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