Sunday 8 December 2013

Head Full of Cotton Wool

Head full of cotton wool;
Energy sucked up as if it were water.

Cannot think
Cannot see
Cannot hear.

Its all there is
Cotton wool
Soft and fluffy for a while,
But it creeps,
And it clogs,
It creates a thick sludge
Everything sticks to it;

And it to everything.

I cannot see
I cannot hear
I cannot think.

I cannot escape the fluff,
I will never escape.

And without escape,
I cannot be.

What is there left?
I do not know,
For beyond the white fluff,
There is only more.

There may be a future,
A past, a present,
But for now the only reality
Is white, fluffy,
And all encompassing.

When we can no longer be.
We will light the fire.
The cotton shall go up in flames,
And when its gone then well know.

Well know if whats left is life or ash,
Light or dark.
But to survive,
To get through the flames,
We must first have strength,
So until then,
Until it is time.
We can do nought but exist.

So for now,
Thats all there is.
Fluff, muffling the world,
And once we emerge,
We shall know what the world truly is.

But until then,
All that there is,

Is life.

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